* Sort columns by clicking on column title
Post title Word Count Character Count
The more we sweat in peace the less we bleed in war. 12 52
Veterans’ fought for your assembly, worship free. 7 49
I know to whom I owe. First to God & then to those who fight for liberty. 17 73
Thank you Lord for the Veteran who fought for worship free. 11 59
Freedom is never free. 4 22
Without freedom, no one really has a name. 8 42
honor our veterans, they gave us the freedom to worship God! 11 60
Patriotism is like charity – it begins at home. 9 47
Freedom is not free….JESUS paid the price for your freedom…freedom from sin! 12 80
Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better. 9 45
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Not a day goes by that we should allow our memory falter – for we should constantly remember those who fought so that we could be free.

Each of these days; Memorial Day, Veteran’s Day, and Remembrance Day are times that we have a glorious opportunity to spread our appreciation throughout the Christian community and beyond.

I hope that you can use these Church Sign Sayings and Quotes to help spread the word and remind others.