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Post title Word Count Character Count
honor our veterans, they gave us the freedom to worship God! 11 60
Patriotism is like charity – it begins at home. 9 47
Freedom is the oxygen of the soul. 7 34
In memory of many, In honor of all, Thank you 10 45
Our freedom came with a price. Remember those who made the payment. 12 67
Freedom:”Costly for many including God’s Son; Enjoyed both now & in the age to come!” 15 85
The greatest freedom of all …is freedom from SIN ! 10 52
Thank you God and Veterans for our freedoms 8 43
Remember those who served. Freedom comes with a price. 9 54
Please pray for our troops – where ever they may be. 11 52
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Not a day goes by that we should allow our memory falter – for we should constantly remember those who fought so that we could be free.

Each of these days; Memorial Day, Veteran’s Day, and Remembrance Day are times that we have a glorious opportunity to spread our appreciation throughout the Christian community and beyond.

I hope that you can use these Church Sign Sayings and Quotes to help spread the word and remind others.